Our Vision Our Mission

“To be globally acknowledged as a distinguished center of academic excellence.”
In the present era, the objective of education is not just the delivery of formal education with stipulated curriculum for preparing the students to crack framed examinations and getting degrees. But it is the wholesome development of the personality and maturity of young minds. The US Ministry of Education has recommended 4 C Education at school level. The cornerstone of becoming a successful learner at any age comes down through the 4 C’s i.e. Critical thinking, Collaboration, Creativity and Communication. It cannot be learnt only through formal text books but received spontaneously by a child at school and at home in optimal learning environments. Education does not necessarily mean hoarding of high academic degrees. The main

aim of education is to form integrated human beings possessing capabilities, attitudes, values and skills which permit a student to lead a full and meaningful life, actively contribution to the common good, yet maintaining one’s own identity & dignity.


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